HyperCampaigns - Automated Digital Marketing
Integrated solution for automated online and social media ads.
"We believe that Content-X is a flexible system that allows for customization and scalability to support our needs and makes us fit to meet future challenges in our part of the media industry.”
"Thanks to the experienced guidance by Ms Coverly, we were able to develop important new ideas for possible business models in just one day, and even came up with specific outlines for some of them. It was extremely important to us to receive new impulses from outside and move away from our daily routines."
“Performing the central booking processes with AdX has produced very positive results within a very short period of time. It only takes 10 minutes to complete a booking, i.e. enter and test for a banner in wallpaper format. This used to take half an hour longer."
"It is clearly noticeable that our day-to-day work has become much more efficient and we are immensely grateful for the extremely knowledgeable support from the staff at ppi Media and Digital Collections here on site. Thanks to the excellent cooperation, we could implement the solutions swiftly in just six months."