An efficient management for your inserts must be optimally connected. Our new solution “biloog” acts as the central unit integrating commercial systems, delivery location management, and external booking systems.
Inserts are an important source of income – not just for large publishing houses. At large publishing houses, however, the insert management is often especially complex as it is often necessary to coordinate different inserts with various local editions, different placement orders, and the actual capacities of the delivery location. Last but not least, all those processes have to be registered for commercial purposes as well.
Here, we come in with our insert management system. Its name “biloog”, translating to “insert” from the Low-German dialect, is a tribute to our Northern German heritage. Northern Germans are said to be very “down to earth” and we believe that this is a quality quite useful for manufacturing our solutions: biloog is a powerful, resilient, all-encompassing, and steady insert management system; there are no unnecessary ad-ons – we saved everybody the trouble.
And by the way: our internal code name for biloog was once “Hornsby”, which has to do with a well-known movie featuring Tony Curtis and pink sticky notes. But that is a whole different story…
Integration of a Complex Environment
biloog lets you take orders with an unlimited number of bookings and assignments directly from an external system. In the process you receive an overview of placing and delivery information at all times. Arrangements are made depending on the insert capacities of the delivery room. In addition to the connection to the delivery room management in order to manage all technical aspects, the system also communicates with the commercial system IS-M/AM for the processing of all commercial aspects such as billing or price inquiries. biloog gets all the master data directly from the commercial system. Overall, our solution thus integrates all systems involved in the manufacturing process of the publishing house, the printing company, the delivery room, and the warehouse management.
An insert might come, for example, in form of a postcard glued into the middle of the print products, a memo-stick on the title page, or a classic intermediate product. Occupancy and pacing wishes are evaluated against alternatives and biloog then communicates the required production information to the delivery room management system. At the same time, the warehouse management receives all necessary instructions with all important characteristics of the insert. The warehouse management, in turn, updates all data regarding an order, for example the storage data or changed insert characteristics.
biloog therefore combines the technical know-how of all departments involved in the management of insert orders in one application.
Mighty Function, Modern Appearance
Although we chose to keep biloog as simple as possible, leaving out all unnecessary additions, this does not mean that it is in any way outdated or user-unfriendly – quite the opposite! Our Northern German power pack sets itself apart with a modern, user-friendly graphic interface. This interface can also be individualized for each customer. biloog’s graphic daily report allows a visual overview of all production and booking possibilities. You can filter the overview according to editions, partial editions, and booking units and move and zoom about the report freely. Not only the appearance and operation are inherently modern; as a web application with a client-server-structure, biloog is flexible in its application and is therefore fail-safe and can be comfortably configured.
Lastly, biloog lets you profit from the traditional ppi virtues: for our solutions we offer 24/7-expert support, if you wish. biloog was developed in cooperation with Rheinische Post where the system will go live early in 2020.
Are you curious and want to know more about biloog? Feel free to contact our customer or key account managers. We look forward to hearing from you!