ppi Media welcomes first customer in France: Rosebud to create magazines with CX Fusion

ppi Media is pleased to announce that the magazines of the French publisher Rosebud will be created with the advanced modules of CX Fusion. The integration of WordPress with Adobe InDesign and the CX Fusion Planner will make a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency and quality assurance of the editorial processes.

Rosebud Editions, an independent publishing house in Lyon, is ppi Media’s first customer in France. Founded in 2005, Rosebud is mainly owned by its employees and publishes a number of renowned publications, including the weekly magazine Tribune de Lyon, the event magazine Exit Mag, the magazine for decision-makers Lyon Décideurs, and the family magazine Grains de Sel.

CX Fusion’s WordPress to InDesign integration now allows Rosebud’s editors and designers to import content directly from the publisher’s various WordPress installations into Adobe InDesign templates to create print magazines. Similarly, content from Adobe InDesign can be transferred to WordPress very easily, using specified smart formatting. This seamless workflow saves time and replaces manual copy & paste processes that were previously an integral part of publishing workflows.

The CX Fusion Planner ideally complements this integration and offers a comprehensive platform for planning and managing editorial content. This solution allows Rosebud’s editorial teams to plan issues in detail in advance, organize content efficiently and monitor production status in real time. This ensures smooth, well-coordinated production.

The CX Fusion Planner ideally complements this integration and offers a comprehensive platform for planning and managing editorial content. This solution allows Rosebud’s editorial teams to plan issues in detail in advance, organize content efficiently and monitor production status in real time. This ensures smooth, well-coordinated production.

About ppi Media: 

ppi Media is a leading provider of software solutions for the publishing and media industry. With innovative technologies and a comprehensive range of services, ppi Media supports its customers in the production and publication of print and digital content.

About Rosebud Editions: 

Rosebud Editions is an independent publishing company owned primarily by its employees. Through its magazines, Rosebud Editions provides critical and comprehensive coverage of current issues in business, politics, sports, and society. Its publications include Tribune de Lyon, Exit Mag, Lyon Décideurs, and Grains de Sel.

About CX Fusion:

CX Fusion from ppi Media is a modular publishing solution specifically designed to help publishing and media companies meet the challenges of digital transformation and the changing demands of the media landscape. The CX Fusion modules, including components for the automated print layout of daily newspapers, planning and creation of content and the intelligent linking of digital and print channels, offer flexible integration options, even with existing systems, as well as a user-friendly interface that enables easy handling and implementation. CX Fusion helps publishers to assert themselves in a rapidly changing media landscape.